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Thank you for visiting!

We are surrounded by people who are broken and feel forgotten.
They are hurting. They carry a lifetime of regrets. They have given up.

Our desire
Our desire

The Bridge began as a simple desire to lead broken people to hope. We believe everyone needs a church home.  Yet not every church is for everyone.  If you have never been broken or felt forgotten, there are probably other churches that better fit you.

We aren't perfect
We aren't perfect

We are not perfect.  We don’t have it all figured out. Our healing is not even complete.  But we do know where to find hope.

You're welcome here
You're welcome here

So if you are looking for a church home that is filled with people who are needing hope, sharing hope, and building bridges to hope, The Bridge may be where your journey begins.

Let's stay connected!

Fill out our Connect Card so we can welcome you, answer any questions, and help you get plugged in.